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TypeFacet Autokern Manual

Warning: Typefacet Autokern is finicky. You will not receive usable results if you do not read this manual.


For the purposes of kerning, a glyph has the following elements:
When kerning a given pair of glyphs, we have the following elements:


Download TypeFacet and its dependencies. See the Installation Guide.


Invoking TypeFacet Autokern

TypeFacet Autokern can only be used from the command line.
As described in the Installation Guide, TypeFacet Autokern's dependencies must be append to the Python path. Here's an example of how to invoke TypeFacet Autokern with the -h argument.
# Mac:
env PYTHONPATH=dependencies/RoboFab/lib:dependencies/pystache:dependencies/svgwrite:dependencies/PyYaml/lib:dependencies/FontTools/Lib:python/src-main python python/src-main/autokern/Autokern.py -h

# Windows:
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;dependencies/RoboFab/lib;dependencies/pystache;dependencies/svgwrite;dependencies/PyYaml/lib;dependencies/FontTools/Lib
python python/src-main/autokern/Autokern.py -h
The -h help argument will print the usage message which describes all of Autokern's arguments.
The examples below will only describe the arguments to use. Replace -h in the example above with new arguments.

Using Autokern's Logs

There are two ways to review Autokern's results. You can open the output .ufo file in a font editor. A more convenient alternative is to look at Autokern's HTML logs.
To activate Autokern's logs, set the --log-path argument.

How to Tune Autokern Arguments

Autokerning an entire font is slow. When tuning Autokern's configuration, you will usually only want to kern a limited set of glyphs or glyph pairs.
To tune an argument:
The key to tuning is to use the most appropriate logs.
The "sample texts" log (example) is particularly useful when tuning arguments. Use the --kern-samples-only argument to kern just the pairs that are used in the sample texts. Use the --sample-texts argument to set the sample texts.
The --write-kerning-pair-logs argument will activate the "kerning pair" logs which document the kerning process in detail in a separate log file for each kerning pair. Example. Combine this with the --glyph-pairs-to-kern or --write-kerning-pair-logs arguments to kern just a specific set of glyphs or glyph pairs.

Step 0: Getting started

Let's begin without an empty configuration.
# See "Invoking TypeFacet Autokern" above for example of how to append dependencies to the Python path.
# All arguments should be one line.
Autokern.py \
	--ufo-src-path "theleagueof-league-gothic-4f9ff8d/source/League Gothic.ufo" \
	--ufo-dst-path "out/League Gothic-kerned.ufo" \
	--min-distance-ems 0.00 \
	--max-distance-ems 0.00 \
	--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems 0.0 \
	--intrusion-tolerance-ems 0.0 \
	--precision-ems 0.005 \
	--log-path logs \
Consult the "sample texts" log. All glyphs should be kerned with zero space, ie. just barely touching each other.

Step 1: the --min-distance-ems argument

The --min-distance-ems argument sets a lower bound on how close the contours of the two glyphs can be.
Tune the --min-distance-ems value by kerning a pair of glyphs such as T vs. T, t vs. t, f vs. T or r vs. f whose profiles usually meet at the endpoints of two strokes.
Note: Set the --min-distance-ems and --max-distance-ems arguments to the same value for now.
To kern just T vs. T, use the following arguments:
# See "Invoking TypeFacet Autokern" above for example of how to append dependencies to the Python path.
# All arguments should be one line.
Autokern.py \
	--ufo-src-path "theleagueof-league-gothic-4f9ff8d/source/League Gothic.ufo" \
	--ufo-dst-path "out/League Gothic-kerned.ufo" \
	--min-distance-ems 0.04 \ <-- Tune these arguments together using the same value
	--max-distance-ems 0.04 \ <-- Tune these arguments together using the same value
	--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems 0.0 \
	--intrusion-tolerance-ems 0.0 \
	--precision-ems 0.005 \
	--log-path logs \
	--glyph-pairs-to-kern T T \
To kern a T vs. T, t vs. t, f vs. T and r vs. f , use the following arguments:
# See "Invoking TypeFacet Autokern" above for example of how to append dependencies to the Python path.
# All arguments should be one line.
Autokern.py \
	--ufo-src-path "theleagueof-league-gothic-4f9ff8d/source/League Gothic.ufo" \
	--ufo-dst-path "out/League Gothic-kerned.ufo" \
	--min-distance-ems 0.04 \ <-- Tune these arguments together using the same value
	--max-distance-ems 0.04 \ <-- Tune these arguments together using the same value
	--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems 0.0 \
	--intrusion-tolerance-ems 0.0 \
	--precision-ems 0.005 \
	--log-path logs \
	--kern-samples-only \
	--sample-texts "ttrfTT"

Step 2: the --max-distance-ems argument

The --max-distance-ems defines the normal spacing between two glyphs. It sets an upper bound on how far apart the two glyphs can be.
Tune the --max-distance-ems value by kerning a pair of glyphs such as N vs. N, which have straight, uninterrupted profiles.
If you aren't kerning a sans-serif font, your N may not have straight sides. You may have to use the "vertical line" glyph ("bar", unicode 0x7c) instead.
To kern just N vs. N, use the following arguments:
# See "Invoking TypeFacet Autokern" above for example of how to append dependencies to the Python path.
# All arguments should be one line.
Autokern.py \
	--ufo-src-path "theleagueof-league-gothic-4f9ff8d/source/League Gothic.ufo" \
	--ufo-dst-path "out/League Gothic-kerned.ufo" \
	--min-distance-ems 0.04 \
	--max-distance-ems 0.1 \ <-- Tune this value
	--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems 0.0 \
	--intrusion-tolerance-ems 0.0 \
	--precision-ems 0.005 \
	--log-path logs \
	--kern-samples-only \
	--sample-texts "||NNnnOOoo"

Step 3: the --intrusion-tolerance-ems argument

The --intrusion-tolerance-ems argument defines the maximum amount to which the glyphs can "intrude" into the spacing between them.
For example, if you are kerning a serif font, your results for the N vs. N kerning (see above) ought to look something like this:
This is wrong. The --max-distance-ems argument should be used to specify the distance between glyph's bodies, not small details like serifs. The serifs should intrude into the spacing between the glyphs.
The --intrusion-tolerance-ems argument is crucial and should be tuned with care. As a rule, it should be as large as necessary and no larger.
A good point of departure are pairs such as A vs. A or O vs. O which should pull towards each other. You should also review the entirety of the "sample texts" log.
# See "Invoking TypeFacet Autokern" above for example of how to append dependencies to the Python path.
# All arguments should be one line.
Autokern.py \
	--ufo-src-path theleagueof-linden-hill-a3f7ae6/source/Linden Hill.ufo \
	--ufo-dst-path out/Linden Hill-kerned.ufo \
	--min-distance-ems 0.04 \
	--max-distance-ems 0.1 \
	--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems 0.0 \
	--intrusion-tolerance-ems 0.1 \ <-- Tune this value
	--precision-ems 0.005 \
	--log-path logs \
	--kern-samples-only \
	--sample-texts "NNOOAA"
Note: intrusion is limited by the --min-distance-ems argument, so intrusion will never cause contours to overlap.

Step 4: the --max-x-extrema-overlap-ems argument

The --max-x-extrema-overlap-ems argument limits the extent to which the x-extrema of glyphs can overlap. Do not confuse x-extrema overlap with contour overlap.
Tune the --max-x-extrema-overlap-ems value by kerning a pair of glyphs such as V vs. A, T vs. a, L vs. T, etc. whose x-extrema do not collide.
# See "Invoking TypeFacet Autokern" above for example of how to append dependencies to the Python path.
# All arguments should be one line.
Autokern.py \
	--ufo-src-path theleagueof-linden-hill-a3f7ae6/source/Linden Hill.ufo \
	--ufo-dst-path out/Linden Hill-kerned.ufo \
	--min-distance-ems 0.04 \
	--max-distance-ems 0.1 \
	--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems 0.1 \ <-- Tune this value
	--intrusion-tolerance-ems 0.1 \ 
	--precision-ems 0.005 \
	--log-path logs \
	--kern-samples-only \
	--sample-texts "WAVTaLTLY"
If the --max-x-extrema-overlap-ems argument is negative, Autokern will maintain a minimum spacing between the glyphs' x-extrema.

Further Tuning

Controlling Scope

By default, Autokern will kern nearly all of the glyphs in the font.
We've already discussed how to limit Autokern's scope using the --kern-samples-only, --glyph-pairs-to-kern or --glyphs-to-kern arguments. To kern an entire font, make sure none of these arguments are present.
The --glyphs-to-ignore and --glyph-categories-to-ignore arguments can be used to specify a set of glyphs that should not be kerned. Use the -h usage argument for more information.

Per-Category Tuning

The --max-x-extrema-overlap-ems-per-category, --max-distance-ems-per-category, --min-distance-ems-per-category, --intrusion-tolerance-ems-per-category and --tracking-ems-per-category, arguments allow the user to use different values for different unicode categories, for example: punctuation (P*) or currency symbols (Sc).
The user sets these values using a set of (category, value) rules.
# Example:
# Require a minimum x-extrema offset of -0.025 em 
# for all punctuation, marks and symbols:
--max-x-extrema-overlap-ems-per-category P* -0.025 M* -0.025 S* -0.025

# Example:
# Apply a --max-distance-ems value of 0.050 em 
# to all currency symbols.
--max-distance-ems-per-category Sc 0.050 
These categories are defined by the unicode standard. See the Unicodedata documentation for a list of glyph categories.
Unicode glyph categories (ie. Lu = Letter, Uppercase) have a major (ie. Letter) and minor (ie. Uppercase) components. You may use an asterisk in the minor component as a wildcard (ie. L* = all Letters).
When the user has defined more than one rule that applies to a kerning pair, the last rule in the rule set has precedence.
# Rule precedence example:
--min-distance-ems 0.030
--min-distance-ems-per-category P* 0.015 M* 0.025 S* 0.025 Sc 0.050 

# No per-category rule applies, so the default --min-distance-ems 0.030 applies.
A vs. T 

# The punctuation wildcard rule (P*) matches period, so it applies: 0.015.
A vs. period

# The symbol wildcard rule (S*) and the currency symbol rule (Sc) both match dollar,
# so the currency symbol rule applies since it is defined later in the rule set: 0.050.
A vs. dollar

# The punctuation wildcard rule (S*) matches period 
# the and the currency symbol rule (Sc) matches dollar,
# so the currency symbol rule applies since it is defined later in the rule set: 0.050.
period vs. dollar
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